
Showing posts from June, 2024

The dream I saw

I am going to tell you about a dream I had..🫢 I really love that dream..🥹  I saw a Mermaid..😍 Isn't it amazing..✨️ Yes, it's a dream...😴 How wonderful if that is true. I took a ride under the sea. I went with my family. The fish under the sea talked to me.. The best thing was that suddenly a beautiful aquarium was built.. She is golden in color. She came to me...🤩 Mother said wake up, wake up, don't you go to lectures.. So that's it buddy...🫠😉

The fried rice made by my own hands for the family

  First I wash rice and vegetables. I get some water,turmeric power,salt and eice in to the rice cooker and switch it on. Next peel and grate carrots, cut leeks,beens,onion, and chicken. Then chop jinger. Later keep the frying pan on gas cooker and put some oil fry chicken. Remove chicken frying pan. Again put oil into pan and keep on the gas cooker and put some oil add two eggs,then mix them. Next vegetables ,onion,garlic,pepar power,jinger,curry leaves,salt and butter and add to salt that mixture. Switch off rice cooker get a bowle and put rice into it. After this mix rice at vegetables mixture very well. Finallyyy...🤤 I prepare my fried rice and I can serve it.😍😉

International Gem & Jewellery Exhibition 2024

Don't miss the international Gem & Jewellery Exhibition Sri Lanka..2024... Step into luxury at the international gem & jewellery exhibition! Make an on-site purchase of USD 100,000 or more and have your hotel stay on us. Experience the ultimate in elegant and craftmanship at the Grand Silver Ray Hotel,Sri Lanka. Many gem businessmen in Ratnapura district have displayed gems of higher value . Emstones which are highly valuable for their hardness and rarity, are known as Precious Stones.  Precious Stones are generally expensive in comparison of Semi-Precious Stones.  Ruby Spinel Amethyst Sapphire Garnet Rose Quartz Aquamarine Tourmaline Agate Cymophane Topaz Citrine Alexandrite Zircon Moonston e Sri Lanka is among the five most important gem-bearing nations of the world. High availability of precious and semi-precious stones and the expertise of the exporters are a boon to the global market.       

My new art

 Let's prevent child abuse and violence I also used college method for my painting consisting of mixed media..The theme here is to eliminate child abuse and violence.                  Child abuse is any wrongful act against a child's physical and mental condition, against his or her best interests and morals. Child abuse can be simply defined as any type of act that violates children's rights and neglects various types of crimes committed against them. Violence against children and child abuse have received increased attention in a number of disciplines recently. According to the Oxford dictionary, child abuse is treating or acting in a way that harms children. Here, physical acts of violence and sexual abuse.Against children have been emphasized. Let's protect all the children of the world..Let's save the future generation.May this painting of mine contribute to that.

Our trip on Poson Poya Day

 We all woke up in the morning on the day of Poson Pohoya and left for the trip. We left for Kataragama and started the journey with great happiness and fun. After having breakfast, we first offered prayers to Kataragama Kiriwehera temple and then offered prayers to Kataragama temple and received blessings. .After the accident, we also went to Dansal and left for Situlpavwa. Walking through a forest, we were able to see wild animals. It was an unforgettable experience. We also had lunch. Finally we went to the beach and had fun and left for home. It was an unforgettable trip for me.

I made a vanilla cake

  First,prepare some plain flour,eggs,suggar ,baking power,vanilla powder,butter,milk and cream.Also prepare a pan and a micro - oven. After,everything is ready,🙃 First cream butter and suggar.Then prepare some plain powder and add the cream and the milk into it. Then add the vanilla powder and the eggs to the flour and stir it as required.When the batter is ready,                                 Grease the cake pan of the oven.After that pour the batter into the pan and switch on electricity of the oven. Then get the time as required and bake it.I love it.So delicious.🥹🤤

healthy life style

                                      My favourite thing in my life is healthy life.A healthy life is very important to human being.A healthy life style is a must for each and every intividual in order to live happily.The importance of leading a helthy lifestyle are many.                    Leading a life without diseases will make one's mind peaceful.Moreover,it brings about economic benefits as well.If one lives without being affected by diseases,there will be no expenss for hospitals and clinics.Hence,living a healthy life style will bring countless benifits for one.                          There are many factors which affect a healthy life.The first one is adequate sleep and rest .A person should have six to eight hours of rest a day.Not taking proper rest will result in various types of illness.You should exercise well.The food consumed is also another important factor that affects a healthy life.It is very good to eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in nutrients. Nuriti


                                            Sri Lanka's gem industry has a very long and colorful history.Sri Lanka was affectionately known as Rathna - Dweepa which means Gem iland. I live in Rathnapura district.our town is famouse for gems.that's why gems are very close to me.We also call Rathnapura the gem city .                           Gemstone,any of various minerals highly for beauty,durability,and rarity.Strictly speaking the precious stones are only seven in number, the diamond,the pearl,the ruby,the sapphire,the emerald,the oriental catsye,and the alexandrite.                             A gem is a stone that is considered precious or semi-precious,particularly when it is polished or cut.stones that have come to be defined as " gems " are well known for thier   unique beauty,color,patterns,or clarity .Gemsstone are  also typically stones considered fine enough to use in jewelry.

Mother Land

  "  pearl of the indian ocean  "               Sri Lanka is a c ountry with a proud history.Various kings have ruled Sri Lanka since the past."King Vijaya" was the first king to rule Sri Lanka.Sri Lanka has been colonized in the past.The pothuguese,Dutch,and English have colonized our country.Later on Febuary,1948 our country got independence.                                            Sri Lanka is located in middle of the Indian ocean.This is known as " pearl of the indian ocean ".Sri Lanka have nine provinces and twenty five districts.Sri Jayawardhanapura kotte is capital city in  Sri Lanka.                             There are many attractive places in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has a great tourism attraction.among them are scared places,beautifull places and historical places.such as, Sigiriya, Anuradapura, Polonnaruwa, Temple of the tooth, Peradeniya botanical garden etc.                           If we ask the economic situation,in the Sri Lanka,Inflati