healthy life style

                                      My favourite thing in my life is healthy life.A healthy life is very important to human being.A healthy life style is a must for each and every intividual in order to live happily.The importance of leading a helthy lifestyle are many.

                   Leading a life without diseases will make one's mind peaceful.Moreover,it brings about economic benefits as well.If one lives without being affected by diseases,there will be no expenss for hospitals and clinics.Hence,living a healthy life style will bring countless benifits for one.

                         There are many factors which affect a healthy life.The first one is adequate sleep and rest.A person should have six to eight hours of rest a day.Not taking proper rest will result in various types of illness.You should exercise well.The food consumed is also another important factor that affects a healthy life.It is very good to eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in nutrients.Nurition is very important to live hralthily.One should understand the importance of a healthy life style.In order to live a happy life and ahealthy future.


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